Eye Exams
What to Expect
As with all medicine, early diagnosis and treatment can help people with their overall health. Just as general physical makes sense, a routine eye exam with an ophthalmologist (Eye M.D.) is necessary to ensure eye health.
During your visit with your Insight Eye M.D., you will be asked about your medical and eye health history, including any noticeable eye problems. Next, your visual acuity will be measured by determining the smallest letters you can read on a standardized eye chart.
Your Insight Eye M.D. will also test for refractive error or an eye that doesn’t refract light properly. This is done by looking through a series of lenses to determine what helps you see the clearest. Glasses, contact lenses, or refractive surgery can be used to correct refractive errors.
In addition, an Insight Eye M.D. will test:
- Coordination of eye muscles
- Pupil response to light
- Side, or peripheral vision
- Intraocular pressure or the pressure inside the eye
- Eyelid health and function
- Anterior segment of the eye, the area in front of the lens, including the cornea and iris
- The interior and back of the eye, including the retina
After the examination your Insight Eye M.D. will discuss the results with you. If there is any eye disease found, treatments will be offered that can including medication, often in the form of eye drops, laser surgery or other surgical procedures. Many of the treatments are taken care of by your regular Insight Eye M.D., or you may be referred to a subspecialist, such as a cornea or retina specialist.
Common conditions found in children
Refractive Error
Common conditions found in adults
Dry Eye
Macular Degeneration
Floaters & Flashes
Diabetic Eye Disease
News & Helpful Information
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