

Sports Eye Safety

Know the Score: Wearing Eye Protection Prevents Players from Getting Benched Due to Injury   Sports-related eye injuries cause an estimated 100,000 doctor visits each year. Yet, most of these injuries can be prevented by wearing eye protection. In fact, a recent study of high school field hockey players shows that traumatic eye injuries fell 67 percent after eye protection

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Eye Wellness at Work

Ophthalmologists Say 90 Percent of Work-Related Eye Injuries Can be Avoided by Wearing Eye Protection Insight Laser & Cataract Eye Specialists and the American Academy of Ophthalmology urge making eye health part of a daily work wellness routine   Layton, Utah – March 10, 2017 — On-the-job safety goes well beyond avoiding slips, falls, and heavy lifting. Caring for your

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Eating Healthy Prevents Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD)

A new study confirms the importance of eating healthy to help protect our eyes from age-related macular degeneration (AMD.)  Researchers found that people whose diets had higher levels of certain nutrients— vitamins C and E, zinc, lutein, zeaxanthin, omega-3 fatty acids DHA and EPA—and had high levels of low-glycemic index (low GI) foods,  were less likely to develop early and

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Back to school sale for kids 17 and under

Back to school sale for kids 17 and under, visit our Optical shop to receive 50% off your second pair of glasses. Sale ends August 31st, choose from Converse, Coach, Lucky, Smith, Nike, and many more come see us today. Some restrictions apply.


Needing new glasses?

Needing new glasses? Come in this month and receive 25% off any of our Ray Ban or Coach ophthalmic glasses.


Fireworks: The Blinding Truth

Nearly one-quarter of all firework injuries are eye related. Here are some safety tips provided by the American Academy of Ophthalmology. We would like to wish all of you a safe and happy Independence Day! Suzy the Sparkler and Freddie the Firecracker sure are a blast. But is that always a good thing? EyeSmart’s public service video gives you the

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The Human Eye Can See Infrared Light, Plus 5 Other Things You Had No Idea Eyes Can Do

Your eyes are the windows to your soul, and also often to your health. But they’re also powerful organs that are capable of doing some remarkable things you might not be aware of — such as blinking within milliseconds, and healing themselves with amazing agility and prowess. Infrared Sight The human eye can detect the visible spectrum of the electromagnetic

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North Carolina’s first retinal prosthesis at Duke Eye Center

Watch a man see for the first time in 33 years, thanks to his new bionic eye! Larry Hester, 66, has been blind for half his life from a condition called retinitis pigmentosa. In September, 2014, an electronic stimulator was surgically implanted in his left eye. On October 1st, 2014 Duke eye surgeon Dr. Paul Hahn turned it on for

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