7 Ways to Protect Your Eyes From Age-Related Macular Degeneration
Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is the most common cause of vision loss and blindness in Americans over age 50, affecting about 2.1 million people nationwide. Early diagnosis and treatment are the keys to preventing vision loss. During February, Insight Eye...
January – Glaucoma
Both supermodel Christie Brinkley and Bono, the lead singer of U2, were diagnosed with glaucoma during a routine eye exam. Both were also surprised by the diagnosis since they weren’t experiencing problems with their vision. That’s the sinister nature of glaucoma, one...
Here’s What Ophthalmologists are Buying for Their Kids This Holiday Season
Ophthalmologists have long cautioned against purchasing toys that pose a danger to children’s eyes. This year we’re adding digital devices to our usual list of BB guns, Nerf guns, and slingshots. That’s because evidence is mounting that too much screen time and not...
Here’s Why People With Diabetes Shouldn’t Skip Eye Appointments
Things happen: appointments are forgotten, other health issues crop up, financial problems happen. But missing eye exams may be vision-threatening for patients with diabetes Insight Eye Specialists joins the American Academy of Ophthalmology in reiterating the...
October – Halloween Eye Safety
Scare Up the Fun, Not the Scary Eye Infections this Halloween If your Halloween plans include scary eyes, beware of costume contact lenses labeled “one size fits all” or “no need to see an eye doctor.” Costume lenses must be prescribed and fitted by an eye care...
September – Healthy Aging
More Older Americans Will Suffer From Low Vision, Here’s How to Make Life Easier and Safer Insight Eye Specialists and the American Academy of Ophthalmology offer tips to help people with low vision retain their independence The number of older Americans with low...
News & Helpful Information
7 Ways to Protect Your Eyes From Age-Related Macular Degeneration
Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is the most common cause of vision loss and blindness in Americans over age 50, affecting about 2.1 million people nationwide. Early diagnosis and treatment are the keys to preventing vision loss. During February, Insight Eye...
January – Glaucoma
Both supermodel Christie Brinkley and Bono, the lead singer of U2, were diagnosed with glaucoma during a routine eye exam. Both were also surprised by the diagnosis since they weren’t experiencing problems with their vision. That’s the sinister nature of glaucoma, one...
Here’s What Ophthalmologists are Buying for Their Kids This Holiday Season
Ophthalmologists have long cautioned against purchasing toys that pose a danger to children’s eyes. This year we’re adding digital devices to our usual list of BB guns, Nerf guns, and slingshots. That’s because evidence is mounting that too much screen time and not...